CIS675 Course Notes: Spring 2006
Lecture 1: Overview and Theoretical Foundations
Lecture 2: Theoretical Perspectives, Hypotheses, Validity, Reliabilty, Ethics
Lecture 3-1: Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods and Protocol Analysis
Lecture 3-2: Usability Studies: Other Observational Methods
Lecture 3-3: Ethnography and Case and Field Studies
Lecture 4: Interviews and Questionnaires
Lecture 5: Surveys: sampling methods, survey administration, and validation of scales
Lecture 5 - Addendum: Validating Scales (Templeton)
Lecture 6: Introduction to Statistics
Lecture 6-1: Descriptive Statistics
Lecture 6-2: Measures of Association (revised for 2006)
Lecture 7: Advanced Regression Based Procedures and Inferential Statistics ( revised for 2006)
Lecture 8: Part 1 - Inferential statistics: ANOVA (revised for 2006); Part 2 - Experimental Design
Lecture 9: Experimental studies of information systems (2003)
Lecture 10: Laboratory and Field experiments (continued)
Lecture 11: LifeCycle Evaluation (protyping, cost-benefit analysis)
Lecture 12: Group Based Methods
Lecture 12-1: Brainstorming, NGT, Delphi
Lecture 12-2: Focus Groups
Lecture 13: Wrapping Up
Part 1: off the shelf software; an IS "scorecard"
Part 2: User participation
Part 3: addendum-UTAUT